Available configuration ======================= .. code-block:: python DARTCMS_ADDITIONAL_APPS_URLPATTERNS = [] Use setting `DARTCMS_ADDITIONAL_APPS_URLPATTERNS` to declare your additional apps. This setting should be iterable and contain tuples with three parameters: application package name, path to application admin url scheme and application URL slug. Example: .. code-block:: python DARTCMS_ADDITIONAL_APPS_URLPATTERNS = [ ('awesome_app', 'app.awesome_app.admin_urls', 'awesome_app'), ('another_app', 'app.another_app.admin_urls', 'another_app'), ] .. code-block:: python DARTCMS_TINYMCE_SETTINGS = {} Use setting `DARTCMS_TINYMCE_SETTINGS` to declare additional custom options for TinyMCE. It should be dictionary with custom options: Example: .. code-block:: python DARTCMS_TINYMCE_SETTINGS = { 'content_css': '/static/css/style.css', 'body_class': 'static-page-content' }