Generic Views ============= DartCMS admin panel is based on few generic views. You will use them in your apps as base for their management tools. Basically, these views are implementing CRUD features for your apps. Views Configuration ------------------- As configuration mechanism in the DartCMS, we will use simple class named `DartCMSConfig`. It's placed into `dartcms.utils.config` package. You can pass some `dict` to its constructor and then access grid and form confiration via `grid` and `form` properties of resulted object. In the next examples, you'll see how to do it. dartcms.views.GridView ---------------------- This view is inherited from `django.views.generic.ListView` and implements functionality for datagrids. `dartcms.views.GridView` class includes some configuration options: .. code-block:: python class GridView(AdminMixin, ListView): ... grid_columns = [ {'field': 'name', 'width': '70%'}, {'field': 'date_created', 'width': '30%'}, ] grid_actions = () `grid_columns` property determines which fields from your model will be rendered as datagrid columns. This property must be a list of dicts, which contains items with columns configuration: Required parameters: - `'field'`: Model's field name - `'width'`: Width in percents Optional parameters: - `'label'`: Column name. If omitted, will be determined as field's verbose name. - `'type'`: Data type. Possible values: 'string', 'datetime', 'time', 'date', 'boolean', 'image'. If omitted, will be determined from field's type. Here is column type mapping according to Django's model field types: .. code-block:: python class DartCMSConfig(object): ... column_type_mapping = { models.DateTimeField: 'datetime', models.DateField: 'date', models.TimeField: 'time', models.BooleanField: 'boolean', models.ForeignKey: 'foreign_key' } `base_grid_actions` property determines which base actions can be done with record. Defaults are `['insert', 'update', 'delete']`. `additional_grid_actions` property determines which actions can be done with each row. By defining this property, you can add some additional actions to your datatable. This property must be a list, which contains items with action configuration: .. code-block:: python 'additional_grid_actions': [ {'url': 'change-password', 'label': _('Change Password'), 'icon': 'edit'} ] This example contains one additional action to change password. - `'url'`: URL for redirect after user click on action button. In the example, user will be redirected to URL like `//change-password//`. Of course, you should define this URL in your app URL scheme: - `'label'`: Label of button. Default value is "View Records" - '`icon`': JQuery EasyUI icon class for button. Default is 'next' `search` property determines what fields should be included in grid search. Must be a tuple or a list: .. code-block:: python 'search': ['name', 'is_visible', 'date_published'] Search form will be rendered automatically. .. code-block:: python from django.conf.urls import url from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from dartcms.utils.config import DartCMSConfig from dartcms.views import DeleteObjectView, GridView from forms import UserForm from views import ChangePasswordView, CMSUserInsertView, CMSUserUpdateView config = DartCMSConfig({ 'model': User, 'grid': { 'grid_columns': [ {'field': 'username', 'width': '60%'}, {'field': 'last_login', 'width': '20%'}, {'field': 'is_staff', 'width': '10%'}, {'field': 'is_active', 'width': '10%'}, ], 'additional_grid_actions': [ {'url': 'change-password', 'label': _('Change Password'), 'icon': 'edit'} ], 'search': ['username', 'is_active', 'last_login'] }, 'form': { 'form_class': UserForm } }) urlpatterns = [ url(r'^$', GridView.as_view(**config.grid), name='index'), url(r'^insert/$', CMSUserInsertView.as_view(**config.form), name='insert'), url(r'^update/(?P\d+)/$', CMSUserUpdateView.as_view(**config.form), name='update'), url(r'^delete/(?P\d+)/$', DeleteObjectView.as_view(**config.base), name='delete'), url(r'^change-password/(?P\d+)/$', ChangePasswordView.as_view(), name='change_password'), ] This code snippet illustrates how DartCMS app named `users` works with this custom grid action. As you can see, we have pretty simple config here: we are passing `model` keyword argument (because our `GridView` is inherited from Django's `ListView`). dartcms.views.InsertObjectView ------------------------------ This view implements insert features for your model. It's inherited from `django.views.generic.CreateView` and can be configured in a same way: .. code-block:: python ... config = DartCMSConfig({ 'model': User, ... 'form': { 'form_class': UserForm } }) urlpatterns = [ url(r'^insert/$', CMSUserInsertView.as_view(**config.form), name='insert'), ] dartcms.views.UpdateObjectView ------------------------------ This view implements update features for your model. It's inherited from `django.views.generic.UpdateView` and can be configured in a same way: .. code-block:: python ... config = DartCMSConfig({ 'model': User, ... 'form': { 'form_class': UserForm } }) urlpatterns = [ url(r'^update/(?P\d+)/$', CMSUserUpdateView.as_view(**config.form), name='update'), ] dartcms.views.DeleteObjectView ------------------------------ This view implements delete features for your model. It's inherited from `django.views.generic.DeleteView` and can be configured in this way: .. code-block:: python ... config = DartCMSConfig({ 'model': User, }) urlpatterns = [ url(r'^delete/(?P\d+)/$', DeleteObjectView.as_view(**config.base), name='delete'), ] Note, that here we do not need form configuration, so we will pass only base config here - `model` keyword argument. dartcms.views.JSONView ---------------------- This is pretty simple view to render response as JSON. Nothing special here. Example: .. code-block:: python from dartcms.views import JSONView class MyView(JSONView): def get_data(self, context): return { 'result': True, 'data': {'foo': 'bar'} } Working with Inlines -------------------- If you want to add related models creation into your forms, you can use special views: `dartcms.views.InsertObjectWithInlinesView` and `dartcms.views.UpdateObjectWithInlinesView`. These views are based on the Django Extra Views package, so you can find full documentation here -